Global Mobile Forecasts, Q4 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers

This report is available to those subscribed to the Mobile Operators and Networks module.
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. As new data and information become available, our mobile forecasts for each operator are updated to give the most up-to-date outlook for each market.
GSMA Intelligence also compares reported mobile connections for each operator with the corresponding forecast to ensure standards of accuracy are maintained. This analysis looks at the key revisions made to the mobile connection forecasts over the previous quarter and the drivers underpinning the changes.
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Global Mobile Forecasts, Q3 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. This analysis looks at the key revisions made to the mobile connection forecasts over the previous quarter and the drivers underpinning the changes.
Global Mobile Forecasts, Q2 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. As new data and information become available, we update our mobile forecasts for each operator to give the most up-to-date outlook for each market.
Global Mobile Forecasts, Q1 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. This analysis looks at the key revisions made to the mobile connection forecasts over the previous quarter and the drivers underpinning the changes.
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Learn moreRelated research
Global Mobile Forecasts, Q3 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. This analysis looks at the key revisions made to the mobile connection forecasts over the previous quarter and the drivers underpinning the changes.
Global Mobile Forecasts, Q2 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. As new data and information become available, we update our mobile forecasts for each operator to give the most up-to-date outlook for each market.
Global Mobile Forecasts, Q1 2024 Review: capturing the changes, discussing the drivers
GSMA Intelligence constantly monitors mobile markets across the world to capture the most recent trends and share the latest available data. This analysis looks at the key revisions made to the mobile connection forecasts over the previous quarter and the drivers underpinning the changes.
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