Remote SIM provisioning: the time to turn tech availability into scalable adoption

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Over the last few years, there has been important progress on remote SIM provisioning (RSP) technology (eSIM and integrated eSIM) but adoption is still limited compared to its long-term potential. This report examines the outlook for RSP and provides a view on future developments that could help overcome some of the challenges that are currently hindering adoption of RSP.
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The rise of digital industries: navigating enterprise needs, investments and supplier decisions
Digital transformation of enterprises across vertical sectors is accelerating. During 2024-2030, enterprises will spend 10% of their revenues on digital transformation, and this provides new B2B opportunities to technology suppliers, including operators. The rise of digital industries is not one size fits all though. As sectors have different needs and priorities, getting insights directly from enterprises is key to formulate the right B2B strategies and capitalise on the digital transformation opportunity.
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