The Mobile Economy Latin America 2024
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Recent years have seen significant growth in internet connectivity levels across Latin America. Between 2014 and 2021, the number of people in the region with mobile internet access nearly doubled, from 230 million to almost 400 million. Despite this growth, 225 million people in Latin America were without access to mobile internet at the end of 2023. While the pace of change has been fast in recent years, further progress will be increasingly complex. Some countries are close to reaching their connectivity frontier under current market conditions, driving the need for reform to expand connectivity levels.
In addition to a range of technology, socioeconomic and financial datasets, the report examines key trends across the mobile industry: 5G momentum; the rise of network APIs; satellite connectivity solutions; eSIM; and new AI use cases. Additionally, it explores mobile‘s impact on climate action and the SDGs. Finally, the research discusses key industry enablers, including policies to address the usage gap and the debate around ‘fair share’.
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